Business support


Business support

To have impact, you have to focus on your core mission – and that's not financial reports, taxes, human resources and payroll, billing, accounts receivable, reconciliations, or legislative changes.

When the question is how to manage it all - and at a decent level of quality - the answer may be to outsource some of those functions. Mainstay's team, which provides business support to its сlients, has more than 30 years of experience in finance and accounting for private companies and nonprofits, legal and tax outsourcing. It provides preparation for entry into stock markets, support in international arbitration processes, economic security and risk management services.

With extensive experience in virtually every business function: human resource management, restructuring, reporting, accounting and taxation, and technology expertise, we can get to work to help you quickly start or grow your business. Mainstay provides сlients with a unique experience thanks to the best experts in their field, with expertise and qualifications, and access to colleagues from around the world who are willing to share international knowledge and experience.

Рената Плотникова

Renata Plotnikova

Director of Business Support