Legal consulting


Legal consulting

"Do business with people you like and who share your goals"

Warren Buffet

Legal consulting includes issues from various fields of law.

Large and medium-sized businesses, start-ups and established start-ups have all faced the need for qualified legal assistance at least once. Maintaining a large administrative apparatus, which includes good specialist lawyers, is a very expensive solution. This is why consulting a law firm is an excellent solution.

What does legal consultancy include?

  • Consulting on various legal issues: branches of law - civil, corporate, banking, tax, financial, labour, etc.
  • Services for company registration, reorganization and restructuring, as well as liquidation and merger.
  • Comprehensive legal support of economic entity.
  • Documentation review.
  • Business set up in the Russian Federation or assistance in choosing another jurisdiction.
  • Support of transactions.
  • Settlement of disputes (pre-trial and in court), including international arbitration.
  • Checking compliance of accepted documentation with applicable law (labour and migration law, personal data and information protection).
  • Advice on international law.
Legal consulting
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International law services provided:

  • international legal advice;
  • review of international contracts;
  • preparation of the required documentation;
  • interaction with international institutions;
  • preparation of registration documents outside Russia;
  • negotiations with contractors;
  • support of international deals.
We also offer services:

  • Comprehensive legal services for businesses.
  • Advice on specific legal issues, with individual approval of terms of reference.
  • Pre-trial settlement of disputes and claim work.
  • Due diligence.
  • Support of issues connected with labor law and immigration, including Highly Qualified Employees (HQE).

Individual approach to each client helps us to develop for each a package proposal for subscription services, which includes only necessary and provides access to international experts in each area. The package offer is made up of experts’ services from related fields such as accountants, human resources professionals, auditors and tax consultants. Mainstay is committed to assisting our clients to develop and deliver a fresh, out-of-the-box approach for solving complicated problems.

Mainstay is committed to assisting our clients to develop and deliver a fresh, out-of-the-box approach for solving complicated problems.