The primary purpose of an audit is to provide investors, capital market participants and policymakers with reasonable assurance that financial statements can be relied upon for investment decisions and other purposes.
- determining the adequacy of internal controls;
- ensuring compliance with rules and regulations;
- identifying operational deficiencies;
- providing an objective view;
- evaluating the efficient and responsible use of resources;
- identifying potential cost savings;
- assisting management with complex, cross-functional issues.
We pay special attention to the quality of our services. As a Russian audit company, we are a member of the SRO AAS. We are also members of regulatory organizations such as the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB, USA) and the Canadian Public Accountability Board (CPAB, Canada).
Mainstay is also an auditor approved by the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank and the European Bank of Reconstruction and Development.During the audit, we will help compile an objective assessment of many aspects of the business, including the identification of operational deficiencies that affect financial reporting.
- audit of financial statements of a public company and subsidiaries (RAS, IFRS, US GAAP) under international auditing standards, whose shares are traded on global financial exchanges;
- conversion of financial statements of a public company from RAS to IFRS and US GAAP; preparation of a full set of IFRS and US GAAP financial statements;
- consulting on matters of Russian and international taxation of public companies;
- business valuation and financial expertise.